changes: removed transparency from nameplates. changes: beasts renamed changed mobs for bottom mini world info. changes: some older printer shapes were updated. changes: evil staff now has a flame mod. changes: crystal golem name gen changed. changes: crystal golem name and crystal sword names are now different. changes: if a city does not have enough food, it won't affect the max warriors counter. changes: disabling hunger in world laws would disable army limit for cities based on food. changes: adjusted icon sizes for trees for minimap. changes: waves effect on water should be more visible. changes: acid drops will unfreeze frozen tiles. changes: units will try to leave or avoid swimming to overfilled tiny islands. changes: (balancing) increased fertility rates for old units with many children by 40%. changes: lightning from mages won't shake the world. changes: some option buttons for the map generator, which didn't affect specific template generators, have now been hidden. changes: clouds will spawn small and medium lightnings.
Medium has more damage and a bigger radius but also won't be able to heat tiles to create lava changes: evil mages can spawn medium and small lightnings.It won't be able to heat lava and create lava and ruin your world changes: energized trait (from fairies, etc.) will now spawn only a small lightning bolt.
changes: screen shake effect adjusted to shake only vertically when explosions happen. changes: balanced a bit unit spawn rates in biomes. changes: current supported language will be highlighted in the language selection. changes: infinity coin animation updated. changes: improvements to smaller explosion animations. changes: improvements to nuke animations. changes: improvements to fireworks animations. changes: improvements to divine light animations. changes: tornado graphics and animation are updated. changes: dragon animation is greatly improved.
added: angry faces for kings/leaders when they're in a fight.
added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for orcs. added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for elves. added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for dwarves. added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for humans. added: war window will now color numbers based on which party has an advantage. added: more variety to alliance name generator. added: more skin variations for some animals for lemon, infernal, and desert biomes. added: new spawn animation for super pumpkin. added: new spawn animation for cybercore. If you have overheating issues on mobile devices - it's recommended to leave it on added: new setting - fps lock to 30fps. memory management rework: there has been a major overhaul in the way the game handles memory usage. optimizations: a significant amount of code has been improved to enhance performance, resulting in an increase in average FPS.